Tag Archive | healthy

Get Healthy, And Stay That Way!

Have you or someone you know been sick lately?

Sickness seems to be everywhere, it’s being called an epidemic.  Whether it’s the flu, bronchitis, a virus, or a nagging cold. It has been brutal. I made it from January to December 24, 2012 without catching a cold. Maybe I said “I haven’t been sick all year” one to many times :-). This virus was a ‘doozy’. I’m thankful I didn’t have the flu. This is the first week sense that time that I can truly say the cold/virus is completely gone.

Do all that you can to keep you and your love ones well. Many take the flu shot… I’m not a believer. I’ve never had a flu shot (this statement is not being shared as a model example – simply a personal conviction). Do what you have to do to stay healthy.

You know the drill…

  • Make sure you get your 8 hours of sleep
  • Stay hydrated, drink your water
  • Wash your hands well, and often
  • Eat healthier, more fruits and veggies
  • Vitamin C, and Echinacea
  • Consider taking multivitamins
  • Breath deep, take 10 good ones from time to time
  • Develop, and maintain a positive attitude
  • If at all possible avoid others that are sick (easier said than done)
  • Drink tea

These are suggestions that might be a benefit to you. Or maybe you have a few suggestions of your own that you would like to share. How many of you out there have taken the flu shot, or plan to?

Stay healthy!